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Scientific outreach in non-formal education spaces to promote sustainability and people’s inclusion | 5th December – 2.30pm | Room 1, CES – Alta

The first seminar of the cycle of International Seminars of the Citizen Science and Education Working Group (CC.Edu) will be held on 5 December at 2.30pm in Room 1 – CES Alta, under the theme Science outreach in non-formal education spaces to promote sustainability and people’s inclusion. The seminar will be presented by Magnólia Araújo, Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN-Brazil), with comments by researcher and co-director of OP.Edu Ana Maria Seixas.

More information about the event can be accessed here

OP.Edu joins Science and Technology Week 2023

OP. Edu – the Observatory for Education and Training Policies opens its doors on 23 November to visitors who want to get in touch about its mission, activities and ongoing research projects.

This initiative is part of the Science and Technology Week 2023 programme, which aims to showcase national scientists, what they research and their contributions to the advancement of knowledge and the well-being of society.

OP.Edu is a joint creation of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development (CeiED) from Lusófona University and the Centre for Social Studies (CES) from the University of Coimbra. Its aim is to disseminate information and carry out studies and fundamental and applied research that can improve a better understanding of education and training policies and practices. It is located on the facilities of CeiED, at the Lisbon University Centre of the Lusófona University (Edifício U, Av. Marechal Craveiro Lopes 2A,1700-284 Lisboa).

Visits are subject to prior registration, until 22 November, using the following form: https://forms.gle/XqDJKRKEVrA9nQ4V6  

SAVE THE DATE | Open Talk with João Teixeira Lopes about his book “ELAS” | 2 November, 4.15pm | ONLINE

Next 2 November at 4.15pm, in an online session with free attendance, we’ll be talking to the sociologist, full professor and researcher João Teixeira Lopes about his book, published this year, ELAS”.

This is a book about young women from working class backgrounds who have achieved great academic success at university. Starting with their life narratives, crossing past, present and anticipation of the future, it covers areas such as childhood and family, schooling, sociabilities, intimacy, love and sexuality, leisure and cultural practices, attitudes towards class and gender inequalities, and the relationship with religion and politics.

We’ll be talking to João Teixeira Lopes about this “exercise of a sociology close to the ground”, in an initiative organised by OP.Edu – Observatory for Education and Training Policies, in liaison with ESEL-IPLUSO – School of Education of IPLUSO and LusoGlobe – Lusophone Centre on Global Challenges.

Join us by clicking on this link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/91689921952  

Indicators report available on the RePeME Community of the Zenodo Repository and in the Harvard Dataverse

The Mapping of Statistical and Information Sources: Indicators Report compiles already existing indicators, but spread across different statistical and information sources.

The collection covers the period from 13 March 2020 to 5 May 2023, matching the chronological scope of the RePeME project which foresees the systematic collection of information for two time frames: 1) emergency/during the pandemic; 2) change/after the pandemic. The information is presented in a table, in four points: indicator, date (corresponding to the year), source of information with reference/link to the origin of the data and brief description of the result. Whenever necessary, supplementary information has been introduced in footnotes.

This report, which is a product of Task 1 of the project, area 2/State of the Art, was completed on June 23, 2023.

The Report is available on the RePeME Community of the multidisciplinary open access digital repository Zenodo and in the Harvard University’s open-access repository Harvard Dataverse, which includes the world’s largest collection of social science research data.