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Access to the OP.Edu previous website: publications, projects and events


This website, made available to the public in June 2022, succeeded the previous OP.Edu website, which had been in use from 2011 until then, and whose contents can be accessed in full here, with open access to publications (reports, books, articles and reviews), projects and events.

Image credits: Nick Fewings for Unsplash


What is the principle behind the new external assessment model? | Opinion by André Freitas | July 20, 2024


The Portuguese Ministry of Education has announced significant changes to the external assessment model, with new tests for the 4th and 6th grade in Portuguese, Mathematics and one other subject every three years starting next school year. These new tests, which will be administered in digital format, will replace the old benchmarking tests that were previously given in the 2nd, 5th and 8th grades.

André Freitas, a researcher at CeiED – Interdisciplinary Research Center for Education and Development, reflects on the issue in the text – To evaluate better in education is to presuppose evaluation as a formative process, of communicative action – published in Portuguese on the OP.Edu blog, available in full here and open for discussion with readers.

April 25 50 Years: Looking into the Past, Thinking about the Future | March 19 – ONLINE – 3:00 PM

The fourth colloquium of the Cycle April 25 50 Years: Looking into the Past, Thinking about the Future, will be held on March 19 at 3:00 PM, with online streaming.

In this colloquium, researcher Luís Grosso Correia (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto) and researcher José Viegas Brás (Lusófona University, ESEL-IPLUSO) will reflect on and discuss the issues of young people’s historical awareness of the April Revolution and the challenges of this historical moment for the place that the body now occupies in public space, from the perspective of identity and self-identity and as a condition for a new citizenship to be achieved.

The colloquium will also include the participation of researcher Teresa Teixeira Lopo (OP.Edu-CeiED) in the opening, and researcher Sandra Duarte (ESEL-IPLUSO), who will moderate the debate.

The event, organised by OP.Edu – Observatory for Education and Training Policies in collaboration with ESEL-IPLUSO – the School of Education of IPLUSO, will be held and broadcast online. Participation is free of charge. Access link here  Meeting ID: 913 7595 2199 Password: 878385

The Utopias of the April Revolution. Education and Social Change in Times of Revolutionary Transition (1974 -1976) | April 29 and 30, 2024 | Lusófona University – José Araújo Auditorium



10.00: Reception of Participants

11.00: Opening Session

António Teodoro, Director of CeiED,  Lusófona University

Carla Vilhena, President of HISTEDUP, University of Algarve

José Bragança Miranda, Rector of Lusófona University

11.30: Opening Speech | Francisco Bairrão Ruivo, IHC – Institute of Contemporary History, NOVA University of Lisbon

13.00: Lunch break

14.30: Round Table 1 | “Schools go to the streets and the streets go to the schools”. A roadmap for pedagogical innovation

Raquel Pereira Henriques, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, NOVA University of Lisbon

Luís Mota, School of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra

António Gomes Ferreira, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Coimbra

Carla Vilhena, University of Algarve

Joaquim Pintassilgo, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon

Moderator: Justino Magalhães, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon

16.00: Coffee break

16.30: Round Table 2 | Power to teachers and schools: trade unionism, democratic management and teacher identities

António Teodoro,  Lusófona University

Licínio C. Lima, University of Minho

Amélia Lopes, University of Porto

Moderator: Ana Patrícia Almeida, Aberta University



09.30: Oral presentations 

11.30: Round Table 3 | Democratisation and sport culture

José Baeta Sequeira da Silva, Professor of Physical Education

Manuel Brito, President of the Portuguese Anti-Doping Agency

Jorge Proença,  Lusófona University

Moderator: José V. Brás, Lusófona University

13.00: Lunch break

14.30: Round Table 4 | Popular power and emancipation. Students’ participation in the literacy movements

Maria João Mogarro, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon

Pierre Marie, CES – Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra

Luísa Tiago Oliveira, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon

Moderator: Teresa Teixeira Lopo, Lusófona University

16.00: Coffee break

16.30: 50 years later, was it worth it? A conversation with Colonel Vasco Lourenço, member of the Coordination Committee of the Armed Forces Movement (MFA) and of the Council of the Revolution. President the April 25 Association

17.30: Closing session

António Teodoro, Lusófona University


Venue: Lusófona University – University Centre of Lisbon, José Araújo Auditorium. Registration can be done here Further information on the programme can be found here here aqui