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RePeME project receives visit from Filippo Pirone


We welcomed Filippo Pirone, professor at the University of Paris-Est Créteil and researcher at LIPHA – Laboratoire interdisciplinaire d’étude du politique Hannah Arendt.

The visit, which took place between 22 and 26 April, was part of the research activities of the project RePeME – And after the pandemic? Recovery, continuities and changes in basic education (ISCED 1) in Portugal, which is being carried out at the Universidade Lusófona – Centro Universitário de Lisboa, bringing together OP.Edu-CeiED, ESEL-IPLUSO, CICANT and CEAD as partners.

In addition to the activities organised within the framework of the project, which included analysing the surveys applied to school leaders and teachers, drawing up scripts for focus discussion groups and planning initiatives to communicate and disseminate the results, Filippo Pirone also held a masterclass on Sociological perspectives on French educational system. Structural inequalities and new dispositives for students of the Sociology of Education course of the Sociology degree.

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