OP.Edu joins the organization of the Colloquium On the 50 Years of the Veiga Simão Reform: education policy between changes and continuities, which will be held at the José Araújo Auditorium of the Universidade Lusófona – University Centre of Lisbon, on 10 and 11 July 2023.
The Veiga Simão Reform placed education at the heart of the debates on the development and modernization of Portugal. It also allowed, due to its limitations and contradictions, to make visible to the Portuguese society the complete exhaustion of the political form of organization of the Estado Novo/New State.We encourage the participation of the scientific community and the general public in this Colloquium, which aims at sharing knowledge and research on this pivotal period in the history of Portugal (and of the countries that emerged from Portuguese colonialism).
Registrations are open until July 9.
More information about the Colloquium can be found here