The OP.Edu – Observatory for Education and Training Policies, held on May 26, an international seminar, in hybrid format, under the theme Schools and Covid-19: cross research perspectives, think about the future, which had the presence of researchers from the French research units LIPHA – Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d’Etude du Politique – Hannah Arendt (University of Paris-Est Créteil) and LACES – Laboratoire Cultures – Éducation – Sociétés (University of Bordeaux).
In the seminar, the findings of the project L’école au temps du Covid, funded in France by the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region, were presented by Filippo Pirone (LIPHA, University of Paris-Est Créteil), co-coordinator of the project with Régis Malet (LACES – University of Bordeaux) and by the researcher Keyla Santana (LACES – University of Bordeaux).
This project counted with the cooperation of researchers from CeiED and the OP.Edu team in data collection from directors, teachers and parents of Portuguese schools.
The researcher Ana Benavente outlined the results of the study Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in the Portuguese education system, carried out in 2020 by OP.Edu and coordinated by a mixed team from CES – Centro de Estudos Sociais (University of Coimbra) and CeiED (Lusófona University), which included, in addition to the researcher Ana Benavente, researchers Paulo Peixoto and Rui Gomes.
The Seminar had the participation of the director of CeiED, António Teodoro, the co-directors of OP.Edu, Teresa Teixeira Lopo (CeiED) and Ana Maria Seixas (CES), and researchers from OP.Edu and CeiED involved in the initial and continuous training of school teachers.
The seminar allowed the definition of research axes to enhance international cooperation and the dimension of comparative analysis of national projects to develop on the challenges posed to the School in the post-pandemic, and the strengthening of the matrix of the research proposal that OP.Edu is currently preparing to submit for funding.