The third colloquium of the Cycle April 25 50 Years: Looking into the Past, Thinking about the Future, took place on January 23 under the theme School as a multifaceted space: acknowledging and including diversity.
The Colloquium, open to the general public and organised online, welcomed 456 participants, including teachers from different levels of education, school leaders and students from university and polytechnic higher education institutions.The event, organised by OP.Edu with the collaboration of the School of Education of IPLUSO, had the participation of keynote speakers Alice Ribeiro (Head of the Inclusion Support Centre, University of Porto, Portugal), Cássia Sofiato (Department of Philosophy of Education and Education Sciences, Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo, Brazil) and researcher Joaquim Melro (Director of António Sérgio Training Centre and researcher at the University of Lisbon, Portugal), who will reflect and discuss in this online Colloquium open to the public, the epistemological, educational and cultural complexity that has shaped the principles and practices of inclusive education. The Colloquium was moderated by Isabel Sanches, researcher at CeiED and Coordinating Professor at ESEL-IPLUSO.